Monday, March 14, 2011


Enjoyed FHE tonight. We did chalk drawings on the drive way. We had peanut butter bars for deseret. The kids had no school today and Megan enjoyed playing with her friends and Matt rode his bike down to liberty land. I got shots in my neck from the TMJ doctor to help it stop hurting. All in all a relaxing nice day. While the sun was shining Heather and I enjoyed planting bulbs she had bought.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wilson Family Party invite

How Lucky Green St. Patrick's Day Card
Unique party invitations and announcements by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hello Out there!

Megan is helping me post. She and Heather loves doing their blogs and realize that I haven't updated mine in a LONG time. So here's what's new. We did a garden this summer for the first time since we bought the house. It has been a fun family project. Each child has two rows that they choose what to plant in and maintain. We are now eating lots of tomatoes and have lots to share with neighbors and co-workers. We like making salsa, BLT's and Fajitas. Everyone is back in school again. Chris is great about making lunches and doing breakfast and getting everyone where they need to go. We celebrated school starting by going to Lagoon. I will post the pictures as soon as a find the camera:)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween 2008

The kids were so fun this morning getting their costumes ready for the day. Megan is a vampire, Heather a fairy and Matt is a grandma (He even has a pink purse full of mints!) Hope you all have a happy Halloween!!! -Jessica:)

Working 7 to 5-making a living

I am still enjoying my job. I like working with people. It is very busy and we have a good number of projects. I really enjoy the teams and Project Mangers I work with. Engineers are good people and down to earth. My children are regulary encouraged to follow their grandpa and become engineers. I have been particulary impressed with how the new grads that get hired are mentored and helped along their way. In my line of work it is more like matching skill sets. I like my skill set that is transferrable for a lot of different kinds of work. Public Involvement is great work because it allows you to do so many different things. I am getting certified in my field in addition to my degrees and I have been nominated on the board for the association of the region. This will also help me to further my learning and growth. I work a lot of hours and our family budget can use every dollar. I love that my work pays salary plus comp time. I have had other companies make offers, but I want to build on the investment I've made in the company and the relationships I have established. We turned off all the families cell phones, the internet, cable tv and voice mail trying to cut back. In this economy it is even harder for us to continue to remain debt free. Eight more years and we own our home. Yipee! As a mom working full time you feel so guilty for leaving your family so when you are home you nearly kill yourself trying to make up for it and do everything you can. When all your children are in school all day you can have dinner set up and the house cleaned by 10:00am. When I didn't work there wasn't enough money to go out to lunch with friends, movies, dates, activities, school clothes and home repairs. Now that I work there isn't enough time to do things. That is the same for everyone I suppose. Moms that work full time still do all the same things that other moms do, (volunteer at school, church callings, etc) I just have to do it in less time, and with less sleep. Am I rambling....I am so lucky to have a GREAT HUSBAND. He makes breakfast, packs lunches, does dishes and is so kind and caring.---J

Fall leaves

The girls love all the beautiful fall leaves and were out having fun with the camera and doing make overs so I thought I would include some of their pics.--Jessica

BYU Parents Weekend-and turning 39 yrs old

Sadie loves facebook and is doing well at BYU. She is so happy and nice and loving the devotionals, classes, etc. She takes the express bus down in the early morning and comes back on the last ones at night. We never see her! She is not working now because we think school is work enough. Last weekend (my 39th birthday) we went as a family to Parents Weekend at the Y. We went to a Luau, heard the band, saw the Living legends (Polynesian dancers and of course the slap dance), heard Voice Male (which we loved!! the songs are still going around in my head), we went to a tailgate party at the Hinckley Alumni bldg, we bowled till too late at night, and then we ran a 5 k as a family in the morning. For our family Sadie came in first, Matt and I ran the whole race together and then were followed by Heather, then Chris and Megan together. Matt is a good running buddy. We are at the same fitness level. Sadie and Heather went to their first BYU game while the rest of us swam and shot hoops at the field house. There was more to do than we could do. We ended the day going to a mongolian all you can eat buffet that I think is great. They were all to tired to eat much. It was funny. Laundry mountain did not get done this weekend! Chris was great buying me gorgeous flowers and a cake/pie for my birthday. I am going to be seriously old on my next birthday. Time to start wearing wrinkle cream and dieting! HaHa. Word to the wise, start saving (specifically) for your child's education if you haven't yet. A hunking chunk of my paycheck each month goes to tuition! She earned what she could over the summer, but kids that age don't earn that much. We are glad she is loving the Y! --Jessica